Membership About Contact Raffle-PS5 Our Values Photos Player Code of Conduct Parent code of Conduct Club ShopThe core values of East Meath United as a club are Respect, Effort, Ambition,
Teamwork, and Humility.
Everyone associated with the club must be seen by their behaviour both individually and collectively to uphold our core values at both training and matches (win, lose or draw) every week.
I therefore as a player of East Meath
United (EMU) agree to the following;
• I will act in the best interest of the club at all times.
• I will follow not only the rules of the game of Association Football but also I will
play/train within the spirit of these rules, remembering that the game of
football is for fun above all else.
• I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment (injury) that may
impact upon my safety or bring physical harm to others or myself
• I will learn the rules of the game to the best of my ability
• I will be positive in my support of other players and coaches
• I will put sportsmanship before personal gain and be courteous and respectful to parents, players, coaches, officials and referees at all times
• I will NOT engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official,
coach, referee, parent or player such as booing and taunting, refusing to shake
hands, or using profane language or gestures.
• I will NOT bully, physically or verbally any player, coach, referee, parent or official
• I will NOT enter into debate or make any negative or derogatory comment or
criticism about a player, coach or official from either EMU or another club on a
social media outlet such as Facebook or Twitter which may either impinge
upon the reputation or good name of EMU or any other person or entity.
• I will NOT use physical violence against anybody at anytime.
• I will put the same amount of effort and time into my club as the club put into
• I will Follow the rules set by the coaches, referees or officials of EMU at all times.
• I will respect the coaches and officials and their authority during
matches/training sessions.
• I will arrive on time with the appropriate match / training gear.
• I will give prior notice to the coach if I cannot make it to a match or training
• I will inform an adult official of EMU of any wrongdoings or problems within
the club that I become aware of.
East Meath United © 2025
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